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Two small scripts for mutt, spamassassin and procmail

On this page you will a find two tiny scripts:

1. - mutt's aliases converted to Spamassassin-whitelist
2. - mutt's aliases converted to procmail-instant-delivery-rule

Both of them are shellscripts, no perl etc. is needed.

All comments, suggestions etc. are welcome. Please contact me at



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What the script does

The script reads mailaddresses from the alias file which is used by mutt and generates from these mailaddresses a whitelist entry in Spamassassin's preferences-file in order to avoid false-positives from known senders.

The name of the aliasfile is searched in the following order: in ~/.muttrc, in all files sourced from ~/.muttrc by mutt, in /etc/Muttrc. If it is defined in none of these files, the filename defaults to ~/.muttrc.

Aliases have to be written in one of the following ways:

  • alias somealias Name <address@domain.tld>

  • alias somealias 1stName 2ndName <address@domain.tld>

  • alias groupaliasname <address1@domain1.tld>, <address2@domain2.tld>

NB: Group aliases, which are referencing user aliases, are ignored, since expanding them would mean producing dupes, which are afterwards dropped anyway

The script will read the alias-definitions, isolate the e-mailaddresses (recognized as such is everything between < and >) and replace all newline-characters with space-characters. It will then write these mailaddresses into a whitelist-definition, which will be written to ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs1, the preferences-file for Spamassassin.

When run for the first time the script will copy the 'old' ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs to ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs.temp, which will be used as a template when including the generated whitelist in the 'new' ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs.
So all future modifications have to be written to ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs.temp since ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs will be overwritten each time the script is run.

Download the script here.

Why I wrote the script

Because I did not find a similar script on the 'Net. :-)

I was fed up with the spam I received which I could not filter effectively because of the risk of false positives, ie mails from persons I know (whose mailaddresses I have aliased in my ~/.muttalias) which are certainly not spam.
So I considered it necessary to automate the process of generating a whitelist for Spamassassin and keeping it up-to-date , which can now be easily done by running the script from a cronjob once a day.

The advantage of an automatically generated whitelist is that I now can lower the number of hits required by spamassassin before a mail is considered spam.
I set 'required_hits 1.2' (default was 5) in ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs, so eg a mail which contains 'To: undisclosed-recipients: ;' is already considered as spam, if it has no whitelisted mailaddress in the 'From:', and thus will be filtered.


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What the script does

The script reads mailaddresses from the alias file which is used by mutt and generates from these mailaddresses a procmail-rule, which is written to ~/.procmailrc1, in order to directly deliver mails from theses senders to a file to avoid any further filtering by procmail.

The name of the aliasfile is searched in the following order: in ~/.muttrc, in all files sourced from ~/.muttrc by mutt, in /etc/Muttrc. If it is defined in none of these files, the filename defaults to ~/.muttrc.

Aliases have to be written in one of the following ways:

  • alias somealias Name <address@domain.tld>

  • alias somealias 1stName 2ndName <address@domain.tld>

  • alias groupaliasname <address1@domain1.tld>, <address2@domain2.tld>

NB: Group aliases, which are referencing user aliases, are ignored, since expanding them would mean producing dupes, which are afterwards dropped anyway

The script will read the alias-definitions, isolate the e-mailaddresses (recognized as such is everything between < and >) and replace all space-characters with newline-characters. It will then build from these mailaddresses a procmail-rule, which will be written to ~/.procmailrc.

When run for the first time the script will write a backup of the 'old' ~/.procmailrc to ~/.procmailrc.bakxxx.
It will copy ~/.procmailrc to ~/.procmailrc3 so per default the procmail-rule generated by the script will be written at the beginning of the 'new' ~/.procmailrc.
If you don't want the new procmail-rule at the beginning of the 'new' ~/.procmailrc you have to split up your ~/.procmailrc in ~/.procmailrc1 and ~/.procmailrc3 which are written before and after the generated procmail-rule.

In short:
~/.procmailrc = ~/.procmailrc1 + ~/.procmailrc2 + ~/.procmailrc3.

~/.procmailrc : 'new' ~/.procmailrc, output of the script
~/.procmailrc1 : first part of the 'old' ~/.procmailrc
~/.procmailrc2 : generated procmail-rule
~/.procmailrc3 : second part of the 'old' ~/.procmailrc, without manual changes complete 'old' ~/.procmailrc

This is what the generated rule looks like:

* 1^0 ^From: .*address1@domain1.tld
* 1^0 ^From: .*address2@domain2.tld
* 1^0 ^From: .*@domain3.tld

This is the best way to implement a logical OR in ~/.procmailrc. As an alternative one could only create a separate rule for each address.
For details see the Procmail-manpage.

The target file $DEFAULT would make procmail write the mails to $MAIL, ie usually /var(/spool)/mail/$USER. The target file can be easily altered in the script by editing TARGET=

you can also whitelist whole domains by using the following line in the alias-file (necessary eg if you communicate with several persons in a company):
alias somecompany* <@somecompany.tld>

Why I wrote the script

When I had installed Spamassassin and played around a bit I discovered that each mail caused a CPU-load of 100% for about 4-5 seconds on my P133, which caused delays when several mails were arriving at once. So I decided I had to sort out mails from known senders before they reached Spamassassin. The best place to do so was ~/.procmailrc.

Download the script here.

[1] all filenames mentioned are the default values which can be easily changed in the scripts

Written 2002-08-09 - last update: 2006-08-10

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© by wf
webslave (at)
Wolfgang Fuschlberger, Salzburg